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Welcome to Scarlet Activated,My name is Ena.....its all fun while you are here...We're exploring everything about lifestyle..feel free to explore n leave your comments...follow mi on twitter @EnA_YBG...mwaaaahhhhhh

Friday, 20 July 2012

Bliss In The 80s Wardrobe

I bring greetings from the 80s wardrobe,yes fashion tales from way back rule the tales of right now.This post is not about buying an outfit that reminds you of the 80s,its actually about opening your parents old truck,picking up something good,dressing it up and looking fabulous.You will not believe the awesomeness you can get from dressing up clothes your parents actually wore back in the days.

  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Rocking her mom's dress

I got these sisters to raid the truck and they found good stuffs,thanks to me
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   Another mama's dress from the 80s...Beautiful

So invade that old truck today for some fun and email your pictures to scarletactivated@gmail.com lets see what you find and how you play with it


  1. The 80s looks rocks nd I still love it to bits... Its a regular look 4 me nd I find it very classy, different nd cutely outstanding... Will take some pictures nd 4ward it to ur email... Hope they turn out nice.

  2. That's just class right there...
